Friday, April 23, 2010

Training Spanking

I found some spankos using "training" for regular spanking. It deals with spanking sometimes sure. But I guess training is a complex of measures to achieve one goal. Usualy it's used to make a girl punctual, to help her keep to a diet or to quit bad habit. It's simple cause it's simple to conform a spanking to attainment.

The main thing is every time reviewing results and achievments of the training do not leave a girl without the basic spanking. The basic spanking may be a symbolic two or three strokes with a cane or up to ten strokes with a strap. The purpose of the basic spanking is to make the girl to prepare herself for the spanking avoiding the idea of mercy or pardon. On the other hand the training is carried out on daily basis usualy so a sting of few strokes isn't symbolic few days later and makes the girl to try harder and harder day by day.
The measures may be different each time. I've used one cane stroke for each minute late up to fourty strokes for one hour late. In much the same way the girls have got two strokes for each cigarette when quitting smoking or one stroke for every 30 kcal above the quota when they are on diet.
It's a savage treatment especialy the first week. But it is effective. No matter is the girl spanko or vanilla - six weeks of such training is more than enough.
Found on Domestic Discipline

The main imperfection of such training is it's complicated integration into education or discipline process with spanking involved.

Few cane strokes but given everyday result in steady pain and in visible marks, sometimes even bruises.

This pain is passport to success for a girl in her way changing her manners and habits.

Found on Girls boarding school


  1. What a horrible thing! But effective anyway...

  2. I've gone through this. It's really terrible - almost three months of everyday caning except Sundays...
