Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Discipline Spanking (2)


Found on Punished Wife

No matter what kind of spanking is growing into disciplinary treatment the girl intuits that it's the punishment.

Found on Spanked office girls

The girls after the training or after the therapy have the fear to undress waist down gone by. Their experience in getting spanked is taken for their freewill to get spanked by their spankers and future disciplinarians.

Found on Outdoor SpankingFound on Spanked office girls

The first sort of the punishment in the discipline's evolution is the spanking at very instant exactly in the place where the girl has made her offence. An inexperienced disciplinarians spank the girls in a fit of spleen thus the punishment isn't adequate to the offence and it can't be effective and didactic.

Found on Disciplined DaughtersFound on Punished Brats

The next step in discipline evolution is the punishment same day at home. The girl is positioned the way more suitable for spanking and the spanking itself is already measured sometimes and more adequate to the offence made. Spanking at home has evene more benefits. The disciplinarian has enough time as well as the place is suited for the discussion about the offence and about the deserved punishment. The girl can stand in the corner and muse over her behaviour waiting for the upcoming spanking. The spanking may be performed with a proper strap or cane not with the first long thing that has come to hand. The girl stands in the corner afterwards and takes her punishment in. Corner time may be shameful for any girl even for the girl that has no fear to stay bottomless when needed while standing in the corner messages about the punishment.

Found on Family SpankingFound on Girls boarding school

Spanking at home not only gives more time for the girl to muse over her behaviour and payment but also for the disciplinarian to separate offences and corresponding treatments out according to their severity varying the position, implement, hardness etc.

Found on Pain Toy

The same day spankings may happen few times a week especially after some rules of behaviour for the girl are set and there are many minor offences included. For the punishment to be really effective it can't be performed in a haste. The time is needed to discuss the girl's offences and for her standing in the corner and waiting for the spanking. Then the spanking has to be performed with very clear every hit letting the girl to take the pain in full. The time is needed for the afterwards corner time to let the girl to muse her punishment over once again. If the disciplinarian is really concerned about improvemnt of the girl's manners he comes to regular scheduled accumulative spankings once or twice a week. Regular scheduled accumulative spankings allow include such improvements as diary and wall-calendar making the discipline open for everyone in the houshold.

It takes no more than one year usually for the discipline to evolve to regular treatment with the fixed part of maintenance spanking. It's a long time so I try to explain the ways of proper discipline for the girl and her spankers before the training or therapy is grown into the discipline.

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