Friday, October 22, 2010

Shared Spanking

Found on Spank Pass

When girls are spanked simultaneously there is a good occasion to evaluate and deliver the part of shared spanking. I separate out shared spankings according to the girl's interest and implication.

1. All fellow offenders get the extra shared part of the spanking.
2. The girl in charge gets additional spanking equal (or appointed) to one delivered to the girl under her control.
3. The girl assummes the part of forthcoming responsibility of another girl and gets an adequate part of the emty (or motivatonal) spanking.

Found on Spanking ServerFound on Punished Brats

Punishment for participating in the offence is the most common situation for shared spanking. I assume always that offending in the pair is the bigger offence than doing it alone and for common action the girls get what they deserve for the same offence plus some extra portion of spanking. I give 1/2 of the appointed punishment if there are two girls, 2/3 - three girls, 3/4 - four girls etc. Or, what is the simpliest way, simply double the punishment for that offence.

Found on Family Spanking

Another situation of shared spanking is the disciplined caretaker. The caretaker have the right to discipline the younger girl for getting some specific result. If the required standard isn't reached the girl gets the spanking sure. The caretaker is responsible for this result too so it would be fair giving her the same spanking. This method helps both girls to work as a team.

Found on Russian Discipline

The caretaker's punishment depend's on the responsibility level. When the girl in charge is responsible only for some part of the education she can't be punished for overall poor results.

Found on Spank ChristinaFound on Spanking Online

The last situation when the spanking could be shared between several girls is when the girl on the ouside volunteers to take the part of the empty spanking or the part of the motivation. There are two stringent conditions: the volunteer has to live or stay together with the spanked girl and the volunteer gets usually no empty spanking or motivation. This is the situation when the shared part is subtracted from the main spanking and delivered to the volunteer lady friend.

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