Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The papers of Discipline

There are two types of documents that improve the efficiency of the spanking.

The calendar

It is very usefull for scheduled maintenance spanking and cumulative punishment. The seasonal or monthly time table has to be placed in the visible place for the girl and for other inhabitants of the home. It's very nice when everyone allowed to nurture the girl make their notes directly on the timetable thus allowing the disciplinarian to summarize all suggestions just befor the spanking. Notes on the timetable let the girl and others to suppose the hardness of the upcomming punishment. All unscheduled spankings have to be ticked in the table (both reason and hardness).

The filled up timetable is very cautionary and helps the girl obey the rules. The timetable shows an alteration of the girl's behaviour thus is usefull for discussion about possible changes in education process.

The calendar isn't top-secret document while available for looking through for everyone stopped by. It's more public than kneeling in the corner after (or before) the spanking cause it's visible all the time. Like so the timetable increases very much the segment of the shame.

The diary

This document is more confidential than the calendar while it's up for the girl and her disciplinarian. The diary may be filled out in free manner or in predesigned table depicting all girl's thoughts, moods, doubts, feelings, aches and hurts. The girl's thoughts about every of her emotion are very usefull for planning the spanking timetable, the hardness of the spanking, for selection the most proper implement, the number of hits and the area of spanking.

The diary may be filled out in parallel with the calendar. Comparing both documents lets to improve the discipline much more than studying only the one of them. I find the girl's reaction to mentor's notes on the calendar, I can make the correlation between measures applied and her endeavour trying to behave good. In other words I find the answers I'd never get just looking at the timetable or conversing with the girl about her behaviour and discipline. The girl doesn't realize herself what she really feels or she can't verbalize this. Me taking the detached view can find more or less expressed regularities.

The girl has no diary while she is filling empty pages. We both review her writing just before the spanking and pages filled out by the girl remains by me. I do this to prevent the girl look back and simply copy her earlier writings.

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