Saturday, March 19, 2011

Taming the monster

I've mentioned in my interview about offering myself for someone looking for to spank me. Some people get into situation when their power exceeds all possible limits. If this happens often then the man or the lady joins the BDSM community and solves their problems in the group helping themselves and others. Sometimes it's just a single case and the overall BDSM activity isn't suited for such persons or even most BDSM practices are disgusting for them. But such person knows about spanking and believes it's exactly what he or she needs. I don't know what causes such obsession but I know that after spanking most of those people are the same as before.

What I've got to know about these fantasies and obsessions? I know these problems are concerned with psychology. People ask their psychologists what they have to do. I have asked some acquainted me psychologists what's the answer. The answer is one - if the obsession doesn't include something illegal - try it. When the person doesn't try the obsession remains the fantasy projected to a real life and people in it resulting in something completely not predicted and not acceptable. After the person realizes their obsession it becomes experience, not fantasy, and projection is to the past while present and future remain clear and other people safe.

Why me? My calling is to help people, according to this calling I'm the nurse. I can take exceeding power while other girls don't. I get into nightmare usually but this is the price of my vocation.

It's very hard to make a right decision. I understand I can't expect the ordinary spanking. It's something exceptional play and I'm a second actor in it. It may take day or two or three. I have prepare myself, e.g. buy some lotion for treatment of welts and buy soothing pills. Nobody uses soothing pills for ordinary spanking or punishment while this deform results. But this case is exceptional and I can't imagine how too bear such thrashing without pills.

And again. I can't know about real reason when spanked by the man while it may be his sexual fantasy and offering him a close contact at the beginning to resolve his worries is a great mistake. I don't interrupt the process when I see it's a sexual fantasy while it's no less painful for him as other obsession but I have to be more careful. I succeeded to avoid a real sex, while tactile vaginal intrusion and oral contacts are common. There is a common rule of such play that someone has to drop in and check the situation especially when the spanker is the man.

The play consists of separate spankings various by their duration, strength, implement, position etc. Each spanking has it's foreplay and ending. All spankings are bound by the background which is really the essence of the fantasy. The most common are "The education of the naughty teenager", "Punishment of Jezebel", "Correction or reformatory of a young woman". Men spank a little harder usually but they don't talk so much. So the play flows in silence interrupted by smacks of the belt or the cane and my moans. If the man likes to talk during spanking he talks about something sideline not spanking related usually.

Women build a complicated play while men simply spank. So men are over in one night or in one night and day. Women try to actualize everything they know about spanking and everything related with the spanking. To keep in step with the woman is very difficult while the scenario is unknown for herself too and she comes to the next step by accident. The woman's play lasts two or three days.

The play may include numerous spanking related activities: spanking palms and soles, standing or kneeling in the corner, writing lines or dictation, self-spanking, mouth soaping, enema, anal or vaginal fixation. Every of them may be acceptable when used alone but if they are used all and in one day - it's a real torture.

Some problems may occure when spanking buttocks opened wide or area around the perineum. The vulva opens slightly after few hits showing labia minor which are usually wet. The spanker takes it as a sexual excitment caused by the spanking what isn't true.

There are some things not experienced spankers don't know. When the pain is really unbearable the sphincter releases per se. That is - the self-urination and the self-flow of excrement may happen. The only way to prevent this is restricting the meal and drink the same day and day before. On the other hand a dehydration may take place caused by perspiration and as a consequence occures a deficit in magnesium what may result in convulsion.

So what it is?

One woman's fantasy has been a "Punishment book" I've retained for myself.

Coming homeBottomBelt6017.30
Grasping a handPalmsBelt2017.40
Moving while kneelingThighsBelt2018.20
Squirming during writingSolesBelt2019.20
Line writing mistakesBottomBelt4019.30
Moving while kneelingThighsBelt2020.50
Grasping a handPalmsCane66.40
Beginning of the dayBottomBelt407.30
Moving while kneelingThighsBelt208.10
Dictation mistakesBottomCane2010.00
Moving while kneelingThighsCane1010.20
Fooling aroundBottomCane2012.40
Hands on bottomBottomBelt4013.10
Squirming during lunchThighs front-sideBelt4015.30
Urination in the cornerThighsCane2015.50
Sluggish doing choresCalvesCane1016.40
Squirming during writingSolesBelt3017.50
Line writing mistakesBottomBelt2018.00
Review of the dayBottom, thighsCane4019.30
Grasping a handPalmsCane1020.10
Moving while kneelingSolesCane1020.40
Beginning of the dayBottomBelt407.20
Thank youBottom, thighsCane208.00
Note. "Doorway" is the inner- and front-side of thighs around vulva.

She is an exceptionally soft and reverential young woman and we are friends still. I have keep in mind that I'm not an addressee of the obsession while I just take it's power liberating the obsessed person from the inner monster.

1 comment:

  1. You are an exceptional! But I'm not sure it's o.k. such bloody details.
