The spanking itself is just one of the negative experiences in therapy spanking, training or punishment. Another very important negative experience is the shame. The shame of nudity is very strong cause the public opinion and education. The girl's panties is the last thing she's taking off whe undressing and the first thing to take off for spanking. The girl may reduce the shame of nudity while habituating the staying pantyless or bottomless at home first of all. The girl's nudity isn't something new for other inhabitans of the home while they can see her standing in the corner before and after the spanking. The shame of nudity is important for discipline very seldom while the main accents are the spanking and the shame of getting the spanking. The wont to stay at home bottomless helps the girl to avoid the shocking shame even in situations when she's getting ready for her spanking by a stranger or in public.
The girl doesn't like to talk about her nudity even after she's surmounted the shame of staying pantyless or bottomless while in both cases such girl in public opinion is simply a girl of easy virtue. On the other hand wearing no panties under the skirt or under the dress is very convenient if the girl undergoes the training or is spanked more than twice a week. Someone has to say that and this someone can't be a spanker man but another experienced girl.
The know-how is that panties on the frequently thrashed bottom involve an itching. It's not the pain but very unpleasant feeling anyway. Another moment is that the spanker wants the girl to have her panties around her knees. Not around her ankles and not off but around the knees while in this case the girl sees her panties all the time before the spanking what makes her feel the shame more, this time the shame of getting spanked. The spanking itself is more than enough for me so when the spanker tells me to pull panties down to my knees I simply say "Sorry, I've no panties". I can't say I prefer stockins and garter belt instead of pantyhose, but for spanking I put on stockings and no panties. Some girls are worrying to show their nudity in public while without panties but I think the girl shows only what she's ready to show. When the wind raises the skirt showing the bottom who can say exactly is that bottom bare or in thong.
The girl has to trust in her spanker without reservation. It may seem the same as obey him, but the trust is more positive and thus more efficient. When the spanker tells the girl to prepare for her spanking somewhere in the strange place some girls are begging for mercy or for delay or for the spanking not over the bare. I know that all beggings may result just in a huff of the spanker and who needs the shirty spanker. If the girl is experienced in staying bottomless she experiences less embarrassment when preparing for her spanking even in public. I believe all my thrashings in front of unsuspected witnesses have been deserved or they have been necessary for a teamwork.
Another negative feeling dealing with the shame of nudity is a corner time before and after the spanking. The nudity isn't obligatory when standing in the corner but the shame of nudity may become prevailing thus drowning out the shame of getting spanked. I've suffered such shame when I've moved to my aunt's home and her fifteen years old son has starred at my patterned bottom after the first strapping. I don't know what feel other girls but my shame has been so great that I can't remember the pain or what I've been spanked for. To make the spanking effective I've had to train myself to stay bottomless at aunt's home and later at my parents' home. The first few times are very terrible but it's the only way to make the spanking work.
P.S. I'm very sorry but I don't know how to put photos in my posts still.
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