Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Deputy spanker (4)

I want to mention in my posts some key moments of negative experience during the spanking ant this way to invite other girls to share their memories. I believe only people in spanking come to this blog so all writings aren't public.

As I've mentioned already earlier the spanking is a negative experience for spanked girls. But the same spanking is a positive for the spanker that spanks the girl. The spanker thrashes the girl because he loves her and the spanking helps her to grow-up and the girl needs it. When the girl perceives this rule (that her spanking is positive for her spanker) she's on account to trust him and eventualy do everything he's asking her to do. The only setback on this way may be the girl's fear or reluctance to bare her bottom anytime she's asked to do this. Such a setback brings some misunderstanding into the girl's and her spanker relationships while the spanker faces the girl's refuse for some positive action so he has the one way to do it giving her some extra spanking (while positive action is never too much). The only solution for the girl is to surmount her fear of nudity and conform the rules set by her spanker.

An empty spanking before my outing to a party has been a first time when I've refused to bare my bottom while my former roommate has called for me. It has been a case of my fear to let my friends to know me getting spanked (not so great problem while I've never made a secret of it) and getting spanked while wittnessed by her. When I look back at this case from the position of nowadays I understand that my aunt's persistency to spank me anyway has been the only right solution. The laid spanking can't be cancelled anyhow while this cancellation may become a precedent for further cancellations and losing the control over the girl that needs the spanking. My aunt's tight position has made me to obey and I've got the empty spanking in the kitchen while my roommate has been waiting for me in the living room. There is a great difference in letting someone to know about my spanking and wittnessing my spanking. On the other hand the person wittnessing the girls spanking become a kind of spanker's associate thus taking a responsibility for the girl's education and surveillance.

To make everything going swimmingly I need to synchronize my feelings with my spanker's feelings. I have to made my trust in my spanker a subconscious. This includes my ability to bare my bottom anytime I'm asked to do this. So I return to a statement that the girl has to train herself from wearing no panties to staying bottomless. It may seem as a kind of obsession but I see it as the only way to surmount a fear of nudity and as a consequent obey any spanker's order. The obey doesn't change my position about the nature of the spanking from negative to positive but it lets me understand and take in the spanker's position. This is applicable to an empty punishment first of all.

The most controversial and ambiguous spanking is an empty punishment. When getting the empty punihment I'm spanked for something I haven't done. So no one can say this spanking is really deserved. I've always trusted in my spanker and if he or she says I have to get an empty punishment I simply must present my bottom for spanking. I remember just a couple of cases when I've been thrashed after the empty punishment. I'm getting the empty spanking before almost any outing (party, theatre, picnic etc.) for more than twenty years. This spanking doesn't counts as a part of maintenance discipline so I may be spanked everyday and then get the maintenance spanking on Friday night. Some people say the empty spanking is the expression of the distrust. Maybe it's the reason the girls (and me too) don't like to talk about it. Anyway I have to acknowledge the empty punishment is effective. It's probably the only case when I have to ask to spank me and this is another reason to exclude it from my chats.

The spanker punishes me in advance preventing me of making offences and this action is very positive in his mind since it negative for me. If I take the empty punishment as the positive experience just as a rule not in real it helps me to ask for the spanking everytime I'm intended to get it. The empty spanking is very short in time and is executed exactly before the event requiring it. I haven't let go my hold of getting it so I'm prepared for it when I ask to spank me though I hate this moment.

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