It should be noted that emotional feelings hold sway before the spanking while physical ones - after spanking. This is true for scheduled spankings only. There is no difference what time remains to the planned spanking the emotional feelings become sensible only two days before. The infamy (or a kind of disgrace or maybe social shame) and the fear are dominating. The shame becomes considerable only the same day few hours before the spanking.
The sting as a sort of the pain is specific to spanking process and in some cases lasts an hour or more after the spanking is completed. The dull pain lasts from one hour to three days (in most cases to the next day after the spanking) depending on the intensity of the spanking. The tingle remains as the prevailing physical feeling for up to three days after the spanking. The pain and the tingle become more perceptible when touching, rubbing, slapping etc. the spanked areas.
Pre- and post-spanking feelings of weekly treatments Red - physical feelings, blue - emotional ones |
It may seem that the spanking has to to be moderate to firm (60-100 strokes with the belt) to make the girl bother one week when talking about weekly regular spankings. Though one may include emotional pre-spanking feelings bothering the girl and then the routine weekly spanking will be no more than 60 belt strokes. Again, when talking about regular weekly spanking we have four-five days of post-spanking physical feelings and two-three days of pre-spanking emotional feelings what makes the girl to pay more attention to herself all week.
There are some ways to improve the spanking result without making the spanking harder or without performing it more often.
The first method is reminders of upcoming spanking, first of all verbal reminders starting from second or third day after the spanking. The reminders have to be accompanied by some explanations about hurt, goal, gain or loss. A tick on wall calendar works as reminder too especially when the calendar is in visible place (e.g. in the kitchen) and whole family knows the mean of that tick. It's important not to put many ticks in advance but put the tick day after the spanking in presence of the girl and other family members. These measures put emotional feelings forward up to five or six days before upcoming spanking.
Pre- and post-spanking feelings with reminders Red - physical feelings, blue - emotional ones |
The main benefit of overlapping emotional and physical feelings is considerable improvement of girls behaviour. The reminders are worth while no longer as two monthes since they become ordinary later and don't influence the effectiveness of the spanking.
Pre- and post-spanking feelings with further OTK Red - physical feelings, blue - emotional ones |
Another improvement is applying the OTK slapping (ca. 5 minutes) the first and the second day after the spanking. The slapping works as a confirmation of the last spanking: it increases the level of the pain and the tingle eventually.
Pre- and post-spanking feelings with further OTK and reminders Red - physical feelings, blue - emotional ones |
Reminders and further OTK may be used together giving the capitally good result. These methods are used together for six weeks usually but it's more than enough to progress to maintenance discipline instead of regular punishments.
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